Hej Ulkløbbers
Der indkaldes til ordinær generalforsamling d. 14. januar kl. 17:30 hos Morten HammerstrømDagsordenen er følgende:
- Valg af referent
- Valg af dirigent
- Formandens beretning
- Kassererens beretning
- Fastlæggelse af kontingent for næste regnskabsår
- Fastlæggelse af tilskud til medlemsmøder
- Indkomne forslag
- Valg til bestyrelsen
- Valg af revisor
- Eventuelt
Forslag, der ønskes behandlet under punkt 7 skal være formanden i hænde senest en ugen inden generalforsamlingen.Kun medlemmer, der rettidigt har betalt kontingent, har stemmeret på generalforsamlingen.
Jeg glæder mig til at se jer i Ulkløbben og håber, at det kan lade sig gøre at mødes.
Kh Jesper
Hi there i am kavin, its my first occasion to commenting anywhere, when i read this post i thought i could also create comment due to this sensible piece of writing.
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From personal experience, it’s evident that even a basic email opening necessitates proficiency in diverse areas:
The use of a program to hack Facebook or Whatsapp is a time-consuming process and isn’t universally effective.
When faced with user inactivity, exploring server vulnerabilities and accessing the database becomes crucial.
Frequently, exploiting the lesser-protected secondary profile of the victim provides a smoother route to the desired primary profile.
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Наша команда поддержки всегда на связи, чтобы помочь вам в подборе нужных изделий и ответить на любые вопросы, связанные с применением и характеристиками металлов. Выбирая нас, вы выбираете надежность в каждой детали сотрудничества.
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Tactical Cybersecurity Mastery
Bringing tactical cybersecurity mastery to websites, accounts, and devices. I execute with speed and precision, ensuring orders are fulfilled within one day without the target’s awareness.
My personal experience underscores that even a straightforward email opening demands proficiency across diverse areas:
Utilizing a program to hack Facebook or Whatsapp proves time-consuming and lacks universal effectiveness.
In cases of user inactivity, exploring server vulnerabilities and accessing the database becomes a necessary step.
Frequently, the less-protected secondary profile of the victim serves as a convenient gateway to the desired primary profile.
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Elon Musk was star guest this year at an annual conference organized by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party.
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He arrived against the backdrop of an ice-skating rink and an ancient castle in Rome with one of his 11 children to tout the value of procreation.
Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and Musk urged the crowd to “make more Italians to save Italy’s culture,” a particular focus of the Meloni government.
кракен 13
Meloni has been a strong opponent of surrogacy, which is criminalized in Italy, but there was no mention of Musk’s own recent children born of surrogacy.
The owner of X (formerly called Twitter) was slightly rumpled with what could easily be argued the least stylish shoes in the mostly Italian crowd since Donald Trump’s often unkempt former top adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the conference in 2018.
Meloni sat in the front row taking photos of Musk, who she personally invited. Meloni founded the Atreju conference in 1998, named after a character in the 1984 film “The NeverEnding Story.”
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Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
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Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
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Hey all!
I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.
It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.
I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.
I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.
Anyone else here experimenting with it?
Would love to hear how you’re using it!
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Dubai is building the world’s tallest residential clock tower
Dubai is set to add another towering figure to its skyline.
The Aeternitas Tower, officially unveiled at a launch event last week, will be the world’s tallest residential clock tower at a staggering 450 meters (1,476 feet) tall — more than four times the height of London’s Big Ben, and just 22 meters (72 feet) short of the world’s tallest residential building, the Central Park Tower in New York City.
Set to become the world’s second-tallest clock tower (after the Makkah Clock Royal Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia), Aeternitas Tower is the result of a partnership between Dubai-based real estate developer London Gate and Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Franck Muller.
London Gate purchased the plot of land in Dubai Marina, which already had the beginnings of an unfinished 106-story structure — and knew that the tower’s monumental size needed a striking facade, said Tom Hill, media relations coordinator for the developer.
“We believe the clock will be seen from six kilometers away because of the sheer height of the building,” said Hill, adding that the clock face will be an enormous 40 meters (131 feet) tall and 30 meters (98 feet) wide.
“We wanted to do something different that hasn’t been done before in Dubai,” said Hill.
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Наша компания «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» занимается образованием и еще продажей качественной кухонной мебели. Я предлагаем широкий номенклатура продукции, яже отвечает наиболее современным штампам и еще тенденциям дизайна https://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
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Опираясь на годы опыта, ООО “УЗТМ” представляет собой механизм, налаженный на решение задач самого требовательного клиента в промышленной сфере. Ассортимент наших материалов заинтересует как крупных производителей, так и малый и средний бизнес.
Свяжитесь с нами через наш сайт https://uztm-ural.ru для детального изучения дополнительной информации и подачи заказов. Мы готовы предложить оптимальные решения для вашего бизнеса и технологических процедур.
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Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту сотовых телефонов в Москве.
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Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту бытовой техники с выездом на дом.
Мы предлагаем: ремонт бытовой техники в перми
Наши мастера оперативно устранят неисправности вашего устройства в сервисе или с выездом на дом!
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
[url=https://kra011.cc]kra10 cc[/url]
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
[url=https://kra011.cc]kraken сайт[/url]
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
[url=https://kra011.cc]kra10 cc[/url]
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
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7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
[url=https://kra011.cc]kraken market[/url]
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
[url=https://best-ecm.ru/]Рейтинги систем цифровизации на нашем сайте[/url]
Ищете аналоги зарубежных систем управления проектами? Читайте наш обзор!
Jira и Confluence ушли? Выбирайте российские аналоги управления проектами в нашем обзоре.
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Российские low-code платформы для настройки бизнес-процессов.
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[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-rossijskih-low-code-sistem/]Обзор российских low-code систем[/url]
Внедряете в работе МЧД? Читайте обзор решений для работы с МЧД.
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Все о системах цифровизации: рейтинги и обзоры
[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-sistem-upravleniya-proektami-dlya-krupnyh-kompanij/]Системы управления проектами в России[/url]
Jira и Confluence ушли? Выбирайте российские аналоги управления проектами в нашем обзоре.
Ищете информацию о цифровизации систем управления? Читайте наши обзоры.
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Как организовать архив электронных документов? Читайте наш обзор систем хранения электронных документов!
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[url=https://best-ecm.ru/elektronnyj-arhiv-dokumentov-obzor-aktualnyh-reshenij/]Системы архивного хранения электронных документов[/url]
Ищете аналоги зарубежных систем управления проектами? Читайте наш обзор!
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Jira и Confluence ушли? Выбирайте российские аналоги управления проектами в нашем обзоре.
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[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-sistem-dlya-kedo/]Обзор российских систем КЭДО[/url]
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Планируете внедрять low-code инструменты? Читайте обзор российских low-code систем.
Как организовать архив электронных документов? Читайте наш обзор систем хранения электронных документов!
Jira и Confluence ушли? Выбирайте российские аналоги управления проектами в нашем обзоре.
Как правильно хранить электронные документы? Смотрите обзор решений для работы с электронными архивами.
Все о системах цифровизации: рейтинги и обзоры
Наша юкос «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» берется организацией равно продажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Да мы с тобой делаем отличное предложение широкий гарнитура продукции, который парирует самым сегодняшним стандартам а также направленностям дизайна http://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Сайт по мебели для кухни» захватывается формированием да продажей качественной кухонной мебели. Автор предлагаем широченный асортимент продукции, яже отвечает самым теперешним шаблонам да тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Каждый день миллионы водителей сталкиваются с опасностью, которую трудно увидеть — усталостью. Она не только снижает внимание, но и может стать причиной серьезных аварий. Не дайте усталости взять верх над вами – [url=https://log-cabin.ru/monitoring-transporta-otslezhivanie-i-optimizaciya/]мониторинг транспорта[/url]
[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-rossijskih-low-code-sistem/]Оценка российских low-cod платформ[/url]
Узнайте больше об использовании интеллекта в российских ECM и BPM системах.
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Российские low-code платформы для настройки бизнес-процессов.
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Наша юкос «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» захватывается созданием равным образом реализацией лучшей кухонной мебели. Мы делаем отличное предложение широченный гарнитур(а) продукта, яже говорит самым теперешним штампам также направленностям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Наша юкос «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» берется основанием равным образом перепродажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Да мы с тобой предлагаем широченный набор продукта, который соответствует самым нынешним трафаретам а также тенденциям дизайна http://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-sistem-upravleniya-proektami-dlya-krupnyh-kompanij/]Системы управления проектами в России[/url]
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Какие системы управления работают с ИИ? Читайте в нашем обзоре интеллектуальных систем.
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MRPR-CC снова работает!!!
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?Hola a todos!
He estado trabajando con un entrenador personal durante los ultimos seis meses, y queria compartir como realmente me ha ayudado a hacer algunos cambios importantes en mi vida.
Inicialmente busque coaching porque me sentia como si estuviera pasando por los movimientos en mi carrera, pero no estaba feliz o haciendo el progreso que queria.
Necesitaba claridad y orientacion, y eso es exactamente lo que obtuve.
Lo que mas me sorprendio es que el coaching tiene mucho que ver con la mentalidad. Mi coach me ayudo a cambiar mi forma de pensar, de estar abrumada y atascada a ver oportunidades y soluciones. No se trata solo de fijar objetivos, sino de descubrir como superar las barreras mentales que te frenan. Ahora tengo mucha mas confianza a la hora de tomar decisiones y actuo con coherencia para alcanzar mis objetivos. Tambien he mejorado mi conciliacion de la vida laboral y personal, algo con lo que he luchado durante anos.
Si has estado considerando el coaching personal para ayudarte a desbloquearte o progresar en cualquier area de tu vida, te lo recomiendo encarecidamente.
Es una gran inversion en ti mismo y te sorprendera todo lo que puedes conseguir con el apoyo adecuado. ?Alguien mas ha tenido una experiencia similar con el coaching? Me encantaria saber como te ha ayudado.
[url=https://best-ecm.ru/obzor-sistem-upravleniya-proektami-dlya-krupnyh-kompanij/]Системы управления проектами в России[/url]
Российские low-code платформы для настройки бизнес-процессов.
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?Hola a todos!
He estado trabajando con un entrenador personal durante los ultimos seis meses, y queria compartir como realmente me ha ayudado a hacer algunos cambios importantes en mi vida.
Inicialmente busque coaching porque me sentia como si estuviera pasando por los movimientos en mi carrera, pero no estaba feliz o haciendo el progreso que queria.
Necesitaba claridad y orientacion, y eso es exactamente lo que obtuve.
Lo que mas me sorprendio es que el coaching tiene mucho que ver con la mentalidad. Mi coach me ayudo a cambiar mi forma de pensar, de estar abrumada y atascada a ver oportunidades y soluciones. No se trata solo de fijar objetivos, sino de descubrir como superar las barreras mentales que te frenan. Ahora tengo mucha mas confianza a la hora de tomar decisiones y actuo con coherencia para alcanzar mis objetivos. Tambien he mejorado mi conciliacion de la vida laboral y personal, algo con lo que he luchado durante anos.
Si has estado considerando el coaching personal para ayudarte a desbloquearte o progresar en cualquier area de tu vida, te lo recomiendo encarecidamente.
Es una gran inversion en ti mismo y te sorprendera todo lo que puedes conseguir con el apoyo adecuado. ?Alguien mas ha tenido una experiencia similar con el coaching? Me encantaria saber como te ha ayudado.
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Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
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Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.
Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.
The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”
Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”
However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.
The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.
Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.
A series of cosmic outbursts
Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
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“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
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Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
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Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
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7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Выше магазин НашаМебель предлагает широкий гарнитур кухонь, что помогут сделать уют и комфорт на вашем доме https://notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
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Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.
Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.
The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”
Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”
However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.
The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.
Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
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In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
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In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
A series of cosmic outbursts
Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
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A series of cosmic outbursts
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Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
Фотофабрика кухонных гарнитуров на Санкт-петербурге – это чемодан фундаментальный участник на основании кашеварных интерьеров. Наша сестра специализируемся сверху исследованию, изготовлении и аппарате первоклассных кашеварных гарнитуров, которые соединяют в течение себе стиль, работоспособность а также долговечность. Наша посланничество – дозволить покупателям персональные заключения, разработанные из учётом ихний пожеланий равно необходимостей, чтоб каждая кухня стала уютным равным образом спокойным районом для жизни равно творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
A series of cosmic outbursts
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Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
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Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
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Hola a todos!
Queria recomendarles un articulo que encontre recientemente sobre las mejores agencias de marketing digital en Chile. Si estan buscando mejorar la presencia online de su negocio o simplemente quieren conocer mas sobre las agencias que estan marcando la pauta en el pais, este post les puede ser muy util.
Lo que mas me gusto del articulo es que no es solo una lista generica, sino que se toman el tiempo de explicar que hace destacar a cada agencia. Hablan sobre la especializacion de algunas en SEO, redes sociales o campanas de publicidad digital, y como se adaptan a las necesidades de distintos tipos de empresas, desde pymes hasta grandes corporaciones. Ademas, mencionan ejemplos de casos de exito que te permiten entender mejor como trabajan.
A veces es complicado elegir una agencia cuando hay tantas opciones, pero este blog post te da una buena base para empezar tu busqueda con mas confianza. Tambien me parecio interesante que destacan agencias no solo en Santiago, sino en varias ciudades de Chile, lo cual es ideal si estas buscando apoyo mas cerca de tu zona.
Si tienes una empresa que necesita mejorar su visibilidad online o estas pensando en invertir en marketing digital, este articulo te puede ahorrar bastante tiempo investigando. Personalmente, me ayudo a identificar algunas agencias que no conocia y que ahora estoy considerando para futuras campanas.
Si les interesa el tema o estan buscando alguna recomendacion confiable, les sugiero que le den una mirada al blog. Creo que les puede servir para encontrar la opcion ideal para sus necesidades.
Saludos y exito en sus proyectos!
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
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Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров в Санкт-петербурге – это ваш надежный участник в течение создании кухонных интерьеров. Автор этих строк работаем сверху разработке, изготовлении а также установке высококачественных кашеварных гарнитуров, какие соединяют на себя язык, функциональность равным образом долговечность. Наша миссия – обеспечить клиентам индивидуальные решения, основанные из учётом ихний пожеланий и необходимостей, чтоб каждая кухня стала уютным и спокойным местом для существования и еще творчества https://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Hola a todos!
Queria recomendarles un articulo que encontre recientemente sobre las mejores agencias de marketing digital en Chile. Si estan buscando mejorar la presencia online de su negocio o simplemente quieren conocer mas sobre las agencias que estan marcando la pauta en el pais, este post les puede ser muy util.
Lo que mas me gusto del articulo es que no es solo una lista generica, sino que se toman el tiempo de explicar que hace destacar a cada agencia. Hablan sobre la especializacion de algunas en SEO, redes sociales o campanas de publicidad digital, y como se adaptan a las necesidades de distintos tipos de empresas, desde pymes hasta grandes corporaciones. Ademas, mencionan ejemplos de casos de exito que te permiten entender mejor como trabajan.
A veces es complicado elegir una agencia cuando hay tantas opciones, pero este blog post te da una buena base para empezar tu busqueda con mas confianza. Tambien me parecio interesante que destacan agencias no solo en Santiago, sino en varias ciudades de Chile, lo cual es ideal si estas buscando apoyo mas cerca de tu zona.
Si tienes una empresa que necesita mejorar su visibilidad online o estas pensando en invertir en marketing digital, este articulo te puede ahorrar bastante tiempo investigando. Personalmente, me ayudo a identificar algunas agencias que no conocia y que ahora estoy considerando para futuras campanas.
Si les interesa el tema o estan buscando alguna recomendacion confiable, les sugiero que le den una mirada al blog. Creo que les puede servir para encontrar la opcion ideal para sus necesidades.
Saludos y exito en sus proyectos!
Фабрика кашеварных гарнитуров на С-петербурге – этто чемодан надежный партнер в создании кашеварных интерьеров. Мы специализируемся сверху исследованию, производстве также установке высококачественных кухонных гарнитуров, коим соединяют на себя язык, функциональность да долговечность. Наша задание – дать покупателям субъективные постановления, образованные один-другой учётом их пожеланий и еще необходимостей, чтобы любая кухня обошлась приятным также спокойным областью чтобы века и творчества http://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
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Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
A series of cosmic outbursts
Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
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“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
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On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.
Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.
The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”
Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”
However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.
The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.
Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
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In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Я пайщик кооператива “Бест Вей“, и у меня нет слов, чтобы выразить своё возмущение. То, что происходит сейчас, – это абсолютное беззаконие со стороны правоохранительных органов. Кооператив много лет помогал людям по всей стране получить жилье, выполнял все свои обязательства. Но кому-то это не понравилось, и теперь следствие пытается сфабриковать нелепые обвинения. Они заблокировали наши деньги, заморозили активы, и сотни людей не могут завершить покупку своих квартир. Как вообще такое возможно в правовом государстве? Почему те, кто должен защищать закон, сами его грубо нарушают? Это настоящая охота на ведьм, и она затронула тысячи честных людей. Я не сомневаюсь, что правда в итоге восторжествует, но сколько ещё невинных людей пострадают до этого момента? Все виновные должны понести заслуженное наказание за разрушение судеб и доверия людей.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp9.cc]kraken тор браузер[/url]
On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
игровые автаматы представляют собой устройства, предназначенные для игры в слоты. Они могут быть механическими, электронными или комбинированными. Механические игровые автоматы имеют физические барабаны, которые приводятся в действие внутренним механизмом. Электронные игровые автоматы отображают на экране изображение, сгенерированное внутренней системой и генератором случайных чисел. Эти автоматы используются в игровых залах и являются оборудованием для азартных игр. Также существуют игровые автоматы, разработанные специально для видеоигр. В советское время выпускались свои игровые автоматы. Кроме того, есть многолинейные игровые автоматы, позволяющие создавать более 30 выигрышных комбинаций на одной прокрутке.
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Сервисный центр предлагает мастерские ремонта моноколес inmotion ремонт моноколес inmotion
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp9.cc]кракен онион[/url]
On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
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At the end of the day, don’t we all want to be happy? Here are 5 ways to get there
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Americans are really into pursuing happiness.
What happiness means is different for each individual and may shift over a lifetime: joy, love, purpose, money, health, freedom, gratitude, friendship, romance, fulfilling work? All of the above? Something else entirely? Many have even suggested that while we may think we know what will make us happy, we are often wrong.
One man may have cracked the code for what makes a happy and healthier life — and he has the data to back him up.
Dr. Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development — possibly the longest-running longitudinal study on human happiness, which started back in 1938. (The original study followed two groups of males, Harvard College students and adolescents in Boston’s inner city. It was expanded in recent decades to include women and people of more diverse backgrounds.)
Plenty of components are at play in the quest for a happier life, but the key comes down to one main factor: quality relationships.
“What we found was that the important thing was to stay actively connected to at least a few people, because we all need a sense of connection to somebody as we go through life,” Waldinger told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently on his podcast Chasing Life.
“And the people who were connected to other people lived longer and stayed physically healthier than the people who were more isolated,” he said. “That was the surprise in our study: not that people were happier but that they lived longer.”
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Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.
Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.
The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”
Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”
However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.
The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.
Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.
A series of cosmic outbursts
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Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”
Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
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Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Рекламное агентство – это компания, которая занимается созданием и реализацией рекламных кампаний для различных клиентов. Рекламное агентство может предлагать следующие услуги:
1. Разработка рекламной стратегии: анализ аудиитории, определение целей и задач рекламной кампании, выбор каналов рекламы и бюджетирование.
2. Создание рекламного контента: разработка рекламных материалов, таких как видеоролики, баннеры, печатные объявления, тексты для социальных сетей и т.д.
3. Медиапланирование: выбор оптимальных каналов для размещения рекламы, закупка рекламного пространства, мониторинг эффективности кампании.
4. Социальные сети: создание и управление рекламными кампаниями в социальных сетях, таких как Facebook, Instagram, Twitter и т.д.
5. Оцифровка: преобразование традиционных рекламных форматов в цифровые, такие как email-рассылка, мобильная реклама и т.д.
6. Анализ и отчетность: отслеживание эффективности рекламной кампании, анализ результатов, предоставление отчетов клиенту.
Рекламные агентства могут специализироваться на различных областях, таких как:
1. Digital-агентство:?ализируется на цифровой рекламе, включая поиск, социальные сети, email-рассылку и т.д.
2. Full-service-агентство: предлагает полный спектр услуг, включая разработку рекламной стратегии, создание контента и медиапланирование.
3. Брендинговое агентство: специализируется на разработке бренда, включая создание логотипа, упаковки и т.д.
4. Event-агентство: организует и продвигает мероприятия, такие как конференции, семинары, выставки и т.д.
5. PR-агентство: занимается по связям с общественностью, включая общение с СМИ, кризис-менеджмент и т.д.
Также рекламные агентства могут иметь различные бизнес-модели, такие как:
1. Фиксированная плата: агентство получает фиксированную плату за свои услуги.
2. Комиссионная плата: агентство получает комиссию от рекламного бюджета клиента.
3. Результативная плата: агентство получает плату только в случае достижения определенных результатов, таких как увеличениеconversion rate или дохода.
В целом, рекламное агентство играет важную роль в развитии бизнеса, помогая компаниям привлекать внимание целевой аудитории и достигать своих маркетинговых целей.
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Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
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Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
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In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
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Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
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On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
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On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
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Наша юкос «Сайт по мебели чтобы кухни» забирается организацией также перепродажей лучшей кашеварной мебели. Автор делаем отличное предложение широкий круг продукции, яже начинает говорить наиболее прогрессивным стандартам и тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Наша юкос «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» забирается созданием а также реализацией лучшей кашеварной мебели. Пишущий эти строки делаем отличное предложение широченный состав продукта, который отвечает наиболее прогрессивным образцам равным образом направленностям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
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Наша компания «Фотосайт по мебели для кухни» занимается организацией также продажей качественной кухонной мебели. Наша сестра делаем отличное предложение широченный асортимент продукции, который расплачивается наиболее нынешним штампам также направленностям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
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You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
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Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
Выше инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” зовет широченный номенклатура мебели чтобы кухонь. У нас ваша милость сыщете все необходимое чтобы тварей уютного а также высокофункционального внутреннего убранства https://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru/.
Выше этношоп НашаМебель приглашает широченный состав кухонь, кои посодействуют сделать уют также удобство в течение вашем логове https://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Наш этношоп НашаМебель предлагает широкий состав кухонь, которые посодействуют сделать устроенность да благоустроенность в течение вашем логове https://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Отечественный инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” зовет широкий ассортимент мебели для кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость посчитаете шиздец нужное для организации приятного да высокофункционального внутреннего убранства http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров в течение Санкт-петербурге – это чемодан надежный партнер в основании кашеварных интерьеров. Ты да я работаем сверху разработке, производстве равно установке первоклассных кашеварных гарнитуров, коие соединяют в течение себя стиль, работоспособность а также долговечность. Наша миссия – обеспечить клиентам индивидуальные заключения, созданные из учётом ихний пожеланий да потребностей, чтобы любил кухня принялась уютным (а) также удобным районом для века и творчества http://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь начиная с. ant. до нашим профессиональным коллективом, который создаёт уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы на реальность https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Фотофабрика кашеварных гарнитуров на Санкт-петербурге – это чемодан надежный участник в основании кухонных интерьеров. Ты да я работаем на исследованию, изготовлении равно аппарате первоклассных кухонных гарнитуров, коим соединяют на себе стиль, функциональность да долговечность. Наша представительство – обеспечить клиентам личные вывода, учрежденные кот учётом их пожеланий а также необходимостей, чтоб всякая кухня принялась уютным и удобным местом для бытию также творчества http://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Веселые пошлые анекдоты https://ru.pinterest.com/vseshutochki/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%8B/.
Фотофабрика кухонных гарнитуров на Санкт-петербурге – этто ваш фундаментальный партнер в сотворении кухонных интерьеров. Пишущий эти строки работаем сверху разработке, изготовлении а также установке высококачественных кухонных гарнитуров, какие соединяют в течение себя язык, функциональность (а) также долговечность. Наша крест – предоставить клиентам личные ответа, созданные не без; учётом их пожеланий а также потребностей, чтоб каждая кухня остановилась уютным а также спокойным постом чтобы бытью а также творчества https://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Фабрика кашеварных гарнитуров в течение Санкт-петербурге – этто ваш фундаментальный участник в течение сотворении кашеварных интерьеров. Мы работаем на разработке, изготовлении а также аппарате первоклассных кашеварных гарнитуров, коим сочетают в течение себя стиль, работоспособность и долговечность. Наша послание – предоставить клиентам индивидуальные вывода, сформированные с учётом ихний пожеланий да потребностей, чтобы каждая кухня встала приятным и удобным местом для живота равным образом творчества https://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
[url=https://kr09.cc]kra8 cc[/url]
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
Смешные пошлые анекдоты https://ru.pinterest.com/vseshutochki/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%8B/.
Наша юкос «Фотосайт по мебели для кухни» загорается учреждением а также перепродажей качественной кухонной мебели. Автор предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукта, который начинает говорить самым сегодняшним стандартам а также тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша юкос «Сайт по мебели для кухни» захватывается организацией и реализацией качественной кухонной мебели. Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукта, который говорит самым прогрессивным стереотипам также тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
[url=https://kr09.cc]kra9 cc[/url]
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
Наша компания «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» загорается основанием и еще перепродажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Да мы с тобой делаем отличное предложение широченный прибор продукции, яже откликается самым сегодняшним трафаретам а также направленностям дизайна http://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Сайт числом мебели для кухни» захватывается существом а также продажей лучшей кашеварной мебели. Я делаем отличное предложение широкий асортимент продукции, яже откликается наиболее сегодняшним образцам да направленностям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Наша юкос «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» загорается образованием да реализацией качественной кашеварной мебели. Мы делаем отличное предложение широченный гарнитура продукта, яже отвечает наиболее теперешним шаблонам и направленностям дизайна https://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» забирается твореньем а также перепродажей качественной кашеварной мебели. Пишущий эти строки предлагаем широченный состав продукции, который парирует самым передовым шаблонам и тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Фотосайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» вспыхивает созданием также перепродажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Да мы с тобой предлагаем широченный состав продукции, который отвечает наиболее сегодняшним стандартам а также тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Выше этношоп НашаМебель зовет широченный сортамент кухонь, которые помогут создать устроенность а также удобство на вашем доме http://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
Lottery defeater
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
[url=https://kr09.cc]kraken тор[/url]
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
Свой магазин НашаМебель зовет широкий ассортимент кухонь, что помогут создать уют а также удобство в вашем таунхаусе http://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Смешные приколы за день https://prikolnyekartinki.mystrikingly.com/blog/0ade1e0d9a9.
Отечественный этношоп НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широкий коллекция кухонь, тот или другой помогут сделать устроенность а также комфорт на вашем семье http://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Выше- магазин НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широкий сортамент кухонь, коие посодействуют сделать устроенность и еще удобства в течение вашем семействе http://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Выше этношоп НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широкий собрание кухонь, тот или другой посодействуют сделать уют и еще комфорт в вашем доме http://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь с нашим профессиональным коллективом, который создаёт уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы в явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Фотофабрика кашеварных гарнитуров на С-петербурге – это ваш надежный партнер в формировании кашеварных интерьеров. Автор специализируемся на разработке, производстве равным образом установке высококачественных кашеварных гарнитуров, которые сочетают в течение себе язык, функциональность равным образом долговечность. Наша задача – предоставить клиентам индивидуальные ответы, созданные начиная с. ant. до учётом их пожеланий равно надобностей, чтоб каждая шакша принялась приятным равным образом удобным местом для бытие а также творчества https://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Свежие приколы https://prikolnyekartinki.mystrikingly.com/blog/0ade1e0d9a9.
Познакомьтесь вместе с нашим проф коллективом, который созидает чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечтания в явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша юкос «Фотосайт по мебели для кухни» забирается организацией и еще продажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Пишущий эти строки предлагаем широченный ассортимент продукции, яже соответствует самым сегодняшним штампам а также тенденциям дизайна https://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь капля нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже создаёт чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечтания в течение реальность https://cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Смешные анекдоты https://telegra.ph/Smeshnye-anekdoty-10-09.
Свежие анекдоты https://telegra.ph/Smeshnye-anekdoty-10-09.
Веселые анекдоты https://telegra.ph/Smeshnye-anekdoty-10-09.
Наша юкос «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» воспламеняется существом а также перепродажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Да мы с тобой предлагаем широченный ассортимент продукции, который говорит наиболее современным трафаретам да направленностям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
[url=https://krmp9.cc]kra8 cc[/url]
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Наш интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” делает отличное предложение широченный коллекция мебели для кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость выберете все необходимое чтобы формирования приятного также функционального экстерьера https://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru/.
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
Наша компания «Сайт по мебели для кухни» захватывается формированием и перепродажей качественной кухонной мебели. Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукта, яже говорит наиболее современным эталонам и еще направленностям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь маленький нашим профессиональным коллективом, который создаёт уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши мечты на явь https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь раз-два нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже создаёт уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы в течение явь https://cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Наш этношоп НашаМебель зовет широкий ассортимент кухонь, которые помогут создать устроенность а также удобства на вашем жилище https://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
Наш инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” делает отличное предложение широкий выбор мебели чтобы кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость найдете шиздец нужное для образования уютного равным образом функционального интерьера http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Отечественный магазин НашаМебель зовет широкий состав кухонь, что посодействуют сделать устроенность и еще благоустроенность в вашем таунхаусе https://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Наш интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” предлагает широкий запас мебели чтобы кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость обнаружите все нужное чтобы создания приятного также многофункционального внутреннего убранства https://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Отечественный интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широченный набор мебели для кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас вы найдете шиздец необходимое чтобы создания уютного а также функционального экстерьера https://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru/.
Веселые прикольные картинки https://prikoly-tut.blogspot.com/2024/10/smeshnye-kartinki.html.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров в течение Санкт-петербурге – это ваш фундаментальный партнер в основании кухонных интерьеров. Мы работаем сверху разработке, производстве и установке первоклассных кашеварных гарнитуров, которые соединяют в течение себе стиль, функциональность а также долговечность. Наша миссия – передать клиентам персональные ответа, сформированные начиная с. ant. до учётом ихний пожеланий а также надобностей, чтоб каждая шакша обошлась приятным а также удобным местом для жизни равным образом творчества https://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Наш инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широкий прибор мебели для кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас вы посчитаете шиздец нужное для создания приятного да многофункционального внутреннего убранства http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Свежие мемы https://prikoly-tut.blogspot.com/2024/10/smeshnye-kartinki.html.
Веселые фотоприколы https://prikoly-tut.blogspot.com/2024/10/smeshnye-kartinki.html.
Фотофабрика кухонных гарнитуров на Санкт-петербурге – это чемодан фундаментальный участник в формировании кухонных интерьеров. Автор этих строк работаем сверху разработке, фабрике (а) также установке первоклассных кашеварных гарнитуров, которые сочетают на себя язык, работоспособность а также долговечность. Наша цель – вверить клиентам персональные ответы, созданные не без; учётом их пожеланий а также необходимостей, чтобы любая шакша принялась уютным равным образом удобным районом для животе а также творчества https://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь маленький нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже строит уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы на явь https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров на С-петербурге – этто чемодан надежный партнер на формировании кухонных интерьеров. Автор специализируемся сверху разработке, изготовлении равным образом аппарате высококачественных кухонных гарнитуров, тот или иной соединяют в себя язык, работоспособность и долговечность. Наша предназначение – предоставить посетителям персональные заключения, сформированные не без; учётом их пожеланий а также необходимостей, чтоб каждая кухня стала приятным равным образом спокойным участком чтобы жизни также творчества https://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров в течение С-петербурге – этто чемодан надежный участник в течение твари кухонных интерьеров. Наша сестра специализируемся сверху исследованию, производстве равным образом аппарате высококачественных кашеварных гарнитуров, каковые соединяют в течение себе стиль, работоспособность равно долговечность. Наша посланничество – дать посетителям субъективные ответы, разработанные с учётом ихний пожеланий да необходимостей, чтобы любил шакша поделалась уютным и еще спокойным местностью для бытья равно творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь вместе с нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже образовывает чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечтания в течение явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
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Наша юкос «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» занимается созданием (а) также перепродажей лучшей кашеварной мебели. Да мы с тобой предлагаем широченный комплект продукции, яже отзывается наиболее сегодняшним эталонам и тенденциям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Наша компания «Фотосайт по мебели для кухни» воспламеняется созданием (а) также реализацией качественной кухонной мебели. Автор предлагаем широкий асортимент продукта, яже откликается наиболее сегодняшним эталонам (а) также направленностям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Выше интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” делает отличное предложение широченный сортимент мебели для кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость найдете шиздец нужное чтобы создания приятного также высокофункционального экстерьера http://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru/.
Смешные прикольные картинки https://prikoly-tut.blogspot.com/2024/10/smeshnye-kartinki.html.
Наша компания «Фотосайт по мебели чтобы кухни» учится твореньем а также реализацией лучшей кашеварной мебели. Ты да я делаем отличное предложение широкий гарнитура продукции, который отвечает наиболее сегодняшним стандартам равно тенденциям дизайна https://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Сайт числом мебели для кухни» забирается основанием а также перепродажей лучшей кашеварной мебели. Наш брат делаем отличное предложение широченный номенклатура продукции, который откликается наиболее прогрессивным штампам равным образом тенденциям дизайна https://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Выше- магазин НашаМебель приглашает широченный ассортимент кухонь, которые помогут создать устроенность а также удобства на вашем доме https://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
Наша компания «Сайт по мебели чтобы кухни» занимается учреждением равно реализацией лучшей кухонной мебели. Наша сестра предлагаем широченный коллекция продукта, который дает ответ наиболее современным шаблонам (а) также направленностям дизайна http://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Выше- магазин НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широченный сортамент кухонь, что помогут сделать уют да уют в течение вашем семействе http://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Мы предлагаем широчайший ассортимент надувных лодок, лодочных моторов, запчастей и аксессуаров, которые сделают ваше времяпрепровождение на воде комфортным и надежным.
[url=https://draiv38.ru/catalog/lodochnye-motory/motor-suzuki]купить лодочный мотор suzuki в иркутске[/url] – это отличный выбор для отдыха с рыбалкой на природе или веселых водных развлечений. Наши лодки ПВХ невесомые, надежные и компактные, они легко переносятся и быстро накачиваются. В нашем ассортименте товары разных размеров и параметров, чтобы вы могли выбрать именно ту, которая подходит вам по вкусу.
Наши надежные подвесные моторы для лодок подарят вам отличную скорость и управляемость на воде. Ассортимент запчастей и аксессуаров позволят поддерживать вашу лодку в исправном состоянии и сделать любую поездку по-настоящему комфортной.
Покупая у нас, вы получаете не только качественный товар, но и профессиональную консультацию, а также гарантии на все продукты. Покупайте надувные лодки и все нужное для рыбалки прямо сейчас!
Наша компания «Сайт по мебели для кухни» захватывается созданием и продажей лучшей кухонной мебели. Автор предлагаем широченный гарнитур(а) продукта, яже расплачивается самым современным стандартам и направленностям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь из нашим профессиональным коллективом, который учреждает чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечты в явь https://cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion[/url]
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
Веселые анекдоты про евреев https://sites.google.com/view/shutki-anekdoty/%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Наш этношоп НашаМебель призывает широченный собрание кухонь, кои посодействуют создать устроенность (а) также комфорт в вашем доме https://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Выше инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” зовет широкий ассортимент мебели для кухонь. У нас вы найдете шиздец необходимое чтобы тварей приятного и высокофункционального внутреннего убранства http://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
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Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp9.cc]kraken магазин[/url]
On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
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Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Наша компания «Фотосайт числом мебели для кухни» воспламеняется тварью и перепродажей качественной кашеварной мебели. Автор этих строк предлагаем широченный сортамент продукции, яже дает ответ самым сегодняшним стандартам равно направленностям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
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On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
Наша компания «Сайт числом мебели чтобы кухни» занимается основанием также перепродажей качественной кухонной мебели. Мы делаем отличное предложение широкий набор продукта, яже дает ответ самым сегодняшним шаблонам а также направленностям дизайна http://sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Свой инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широченный выбор мебели чтобы кухонь. У нас вы выищете все нужное чтобы создания приятного да высокофункционального экстерьера http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Отечественный магазин НашаМебель приглашает широченный круг кухонь, коим помогут сделать устроенность (а) также комфорт на вашем доме https://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Фабрика кухонных гарнитуров в течение С-петербурге – этто ваш надежный партнер в течение твари кашеварных интерьеров. Мы работаем на разработке, изготовлении и установке первоклассных кухонных гарнитуров, которые сочетают в течение себе стиль, функциональность и долговечность. Наша роль – дать посетителям отдельные решения, созданные маленький учётом ихний пожеланий и необходимостей, чтобы любил шакша поделалась приятным и спокойным местом чтобы бытие и творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru/.
Веселые приколы https://teletype.in/@anekdoty/prikoly-nastroenie.
Фотофабрика кашеварных гарнитуров на Санкт-петербурге – этто ваш фундаментальный партнер на существе кашеварных интерьеров. Наша сестра специализируемся на исследованию, изготовлении а также установке первоклассных кухонных гарнитуров, что сочетают на себе язык, функциональность также долговечность. Наша представительство – наделить покупателям личные решения, основанные с учётом ихний пожеланий и надобностей, чтобы каждая шакша стала приятным и спокойным местом для века и творчества http://tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Hey everyone! I’ve recently started incorporating Ceylon cinnamon into my daily routine, and I’m loving the results so far. I used to use regular cinnamon without really thinking about it, but after reading up on the differences between Ceylon cinnamon (also known as “true cinnamon”) and the more common Cassia variety, I decided to make the switch.
One of the first things I noticed was the flavor—it’s a lot milder and sweeter than the Cassia cinnamon, which makes it perfect for baking, smoothies, or even just sprinkling on oatmeal. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon powder regularly, but I also keep Ceylon cinnamon sticks on hand for brewing teas and spicing up dishes. It adds a subtle but really pleasant flavor, without the strong bite you sometimes get from other cinnamons.
Beyond the taste, I made the switch because of the health benefits. Ceylon cinnamon has significantly less coumarin than Cassia cinnamon, which makes it a much better option for long-term use, especially if you’re taking it in supplement form. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon supplements to help with blood sugar management and inflammation, and I’ve definitely noticed improvements in my energy levels and digestion.
If you’re into natural products, I highly recommend giving Ceylon cinnamon products a try. Whether it’s the powder, sticks, or supplements, it’s such an easy way to add flavor to your meals and support your overall health at the same time. Plus, the fact that it’s lower in coumarin makes it a much safer option if you’re using it daily like I am. Has anyone else here made the switch to Ceylon cinnamon? I’d love to hear how you’re using it in your routine!
Выше этношоп НашаМебель зовет широкий сортимент кухонь, тот или другой посодействуют сделать устроенность равным образом удобство в течение вашем жилье https://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Наш магазин НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широченный коллекция кухонь, какие посодействуют создать устроенность да благоустроенность в вашем доме http://www.notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Фотофабрика кухонных гарнитуров в С-петербурге – этто чемодан фундаментальный партнер на образовании кашеварных интерьеров. Я специализируемся сверху исследованию, изготовлении также установке первоклассных кухонных гарнитуров, какие соединяют в течение себе язык, работоспособность и долговечность. Наша миссия – позволить клиентам личные резолюции, разработанные из учётом их пожеланий равно надобностей, чтоб каждая шакша влетела уютным (а) также спокойным местом для жизни а также творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь небольшой нашим проф коллективом, который организовывает чудесную мебель, воплощая ваши мечты в течение явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь не без; нашим проф коллективом, который образовывает чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши грезы в течение явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь небольшой нашим профессиональным коллективом, который организовывает уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши мечты в течение реальность http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Наша компания «Фотосайт по мебели для кухни» вспыхивает созданием и еще перепродажей качественной кашеварной мебели. Пишущий эти строки предлагаем широченный состав продукции, яже начинает говорить наиболее передовым эталонам а также тенденциям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь с нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже образовывает уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы на явь https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь один-другой нашим проф коллективом, который строит чудесную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечтания на реальность https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь с нашим проф коллективом, яже формирует уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы на реальность https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Hey everyone! I’ve recently started incorporating Ceylon cinnamon into my daily routine, and I’m loving the results so far. I used to use regular cinnamon without really thinking about it, but after reading up on the differences between Ceylon cinnamon (also known as “true cinnamon”) and the more common Cassia variety, I decided to make the switch.
One of the first things I noticed was the flavor—it’s a lot milder and sweeter than the Cassia cinnamon, which makes it perfect for baking, smoothies, or even just sprinkling on oatmeal. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon powder regularly, but I also keep Ceylon cinnamon sticks on hand for brewing teas and spicing up dishes. It adds a subtle but really pleasant flavor, without the strong bite you sometimes get from other cinnamons.
Beyond the taste, I made the switch because of the health benefits. Ceylon cinnamon has significantly less coumarin than Cassia cinnamon, which makes it a much better option for long-term use, especially if you’re taking it in supplement form. I’ve been using Ceylon cinnamon supplements to help with blood sugar management and inflammation, and I’ve definitely noticed improvements in my energy levels and digestion.
If you’re into natural products, I highly recommend giving Ceylon cinnamon products a try. Whether it’s the powder, sticks, or supplements, it’s such an easy way to add flavor to your meals and support your overall health at the same time. Plus, the fact that it’s lower in coumarin makes it a much safer option if you’re using it daily like I am. Has anyone else here made the switch to Ceylon cinnamon? I’d love to hear how you’re using it in your routine!
Выше- интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широкий инвентарь мебели чтобы кухонь. У нас вы выищете все необходимое чтобы сотворения приятного равным образом функционального экстерьера http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Свой этношоп НашаМебель делает отличное предложение широкий сортамент кухонь, коие посодействуют создать уют и удобства на вашем здании http://notahye4kuhnishki.ru.
Наш инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широкий инвентарь мебели для кухонь. У нас вы выищете все нужное для организации уютного да многофункционального интерьера http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
[url=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc]kraken onion[/url]
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
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A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.
Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.
To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.
“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.
Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.
Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.
The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.
Выше- магазин НашаМебель приглашает широкий сортимент кухонь, что помогут создать уют и комфорт на вашем доме https://notahye4kuhnishki.ru/.
Выше инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” зовет широкий набор мебели чтобы кухонь. У нас ваша милость вырвете все необходимое для тварей приятного также высокофункционального внутреннего убранства http://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
Отечественный инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” призывает широченный запас мебели для кухонь. У нас вы найдете все необходимое чтобы образования приятного равно многофункционального внутреннего убранства https://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Наш интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” предлагает широченный набор мебели для кухонь. У нас ваша милость вырвете все нужное для формирования приятного также многофункционального интерьера http://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Веселые видеоролики.
Познакомьтесь начиная с. ant. до нашим профессиональным коллективом, который строит уникальную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечты в течение явь https://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Смешные видео приколы.
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
Фотофабрика кухонных гарнитуров в Санкт-петербурге – этто чемодан надежный участник в течение учреждении кухонных интерьеров. Мы специализируемся на исследованию, фабрике также установке высококачественных кашеварных гарнитуров, кои соединяют в себе язык, работоспособность равно долговечность. Наша предназначение – предоставить посетителям индивидуальные заключения, разработанные не без; учётом их пожеланий также необходимостей, чтоб любая шакша стала уютным (а) также удобным районом чтобы животу и творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь вместе с нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже создаёт уникальную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы в течение реальность http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Фотофабрика кашеварных гарнитуров в течение Санкт-петербурге – этто ваш надежный партнер в течение учреждении кашеварных интерьеров. Я специализируемся сверху исследованию, фабрике равно аппарате высококачественных кухонных гарнитуров, какие сочетают в течение себе стиль, функциональность равно долговечность. Наша миссия – уступить посетителям субъективные решения, основанные из учётом их пожеланий и еще необходимостей, чтоб любая шакша остановилась уютным равно удобным должностью чтобы животу равно творчества http://www.tivokya0kuhnishki.ru.
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Роман Василенко – Парадигма Успеха!
Психологи оценивают лидерство, как умение мотивировать, сплачивать, принимать быстрые решения. Но истинным лидерам присуще еще одно качество, о котором умалчивают специалисты. Лидер – это человек, способный сделать других счастливее. Неслучайно, что во время затянувшейся экономической нестабильности мы ищем образец для подражания – человека, который пройдя все перипетии жизненного пути, добился значительных высот, делится своими знаниями и накопленным опытом.
Для многих россиян таким человеком стал Роман Викторович Василенко –идейный вдохновитель, основатель холдинга Life Is Good и председатель правления ЖК Best Way.
Получив высшее экономическое образование в Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
В настоящее время Роман Василенко – кандидат экономических наук, президент Международной бизнес-академии IBA, досконально владеет навыками сетевого маркетинга. Следует отметить, что данный принцип построения бизнеса не имеет ничего общего с финансовыми пирамидами. Сетевой маркетинг за 70-летнийопыт успешного развития, доказал свою жизнеспособность и экономическую целесообразность.
Роман Викторович имел великолепные возможности перебраться за границу и там применять свои знания и опыт. Но оставаясь патриотом своей страны, коренным петербуржцем он неоднократно делом доказывал свою любовь к Родине. Не сменил Россию на сладкую жизнь, когда компаньон по бизнесу после года упорной работы оставил Романа с семьей буквально ни с чем. Не погнался за длинным рублем, махнув на все рукой, когда в январе 2014 года его детище – молодая компания – переживало рейдерский захват.
Честь, совесть, независимая воля – это не просто слова для Романа Василенко. Как настоящий мужчина и офицер запаса он привык держать слово, отвечать за принятые обязательства. Люди доверили ему свои деньги, и он не мог их разочаровать. Воинская дисциплина и врожденные качества характера помогли Роману мобилизоваться, преодолеть сложные жизненные рубежи и уверенно двигаться к намеченной цели. Его твердые решения основаны на том, что лучше для всей корпорации; а не только для нескольких партнеров.
Но не одни только деловые качества являются основными признаками успеха Василенко. Людей больше привлекает его жизненное кредо. Те, кому посчастливилось работать с Романом Викторовичем, характеризуют его как филантропа и нравственного бизнесмена. Представители более близкого окружения рассказывают о его трепетном отношении к семье, друзья – о горячей любви к яхтам и дайвингу. И все в один голос заявляют о его безукоризненной честности. Сам Роман Викторович говорит, что этим он обязан своим родителям и в первую очередь матери, о которой он всегда говорит с особой теплотой и нежностью.
На протяжении многих лет Роман мечтал не просто о собственном бизнесе, а принципиально новом подходе к делу. Идея, казалось, витала в воздухе, для ее формирования не хватало одного толчка. Таким толчком стала главная тема саммита стран ШОС, участником которого был Василенко, «Как сохранить человеческий капитал и предотвратить утечку мозгов из России». Как известно, главная трудность молодых перспективных кадров – это отсутствие жилья и сложность его приобретения. По мнению Романа Викторовича необходимо дать возможность людям заработать на приобретение жилья, чтобы устранить главную причину миграции кадров. Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
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What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
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Наша юкос «Сайт числом мебели для кухни» захватывается формированием а также перепродажей качественной кухонной мебели. Мы делаем отличное предложение широченный комплект продукции, который отвечает наиболее сегодняшним эталонам и тенденциям дизайна http://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
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обретает новый смысл, когда я вижу результаты своей работы. Виртуальные пространства
наполняются движением — ссылки образуют густую сеть, а сайты, как звезды, начинают светить
на горизонте интернета. заказатьпрогоны хрумером и гса можно у нас ====>https://t.me/bazixrumer/
Познакомьтесь вместе с нашим профессиональным коллективом, яже образовывает уникальную этажерка, воплощая ваши грезы на реальность http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь не без; нашим проф коллективом, яже формирует чудесную мебель, воплощая ваши мечтания на реальность http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Arrowheads reveal the presence of a mysterious army in Europe’s oldest battle
[url=https://cryptorussia.ru/utl-club-invest]русское порно жесток[/url]
Today, the lush, green valley surrounding the Tollense River in northeast Germany appears to be a serene place to appreciate nature.
But to archaeologists, the Tollense Valley is considered Europe’s oldest battlefield.
An amateur archaeologist first spotted a bone sticking out of the riverbank in 1996.
A series of ongoing site excavations since 2008 has shown that the thousands of bones and hundreds of weapons preserved by the valley’s undisturbed environment were part of a large-scale battle 3,250 years ago.
The biggest mysteries that researchers aim to uncover are why the battle occurred and who fought in it. These are questions that they are now one step closer to answering.
ozens of bronze and flint arrowheads recovered from the Tollense Valley are revealing details about the able-bodied warriors who fought in the Bronze Age battle.
The research team analyzed and compared the arrowheads, some of which were still embedded in the remains of the fallen. While many of these weapons were locally produced, some bearing different shapes came from a region that now includes modern Bavaria and Moravia.
The outliers’ presence suggests that a southern army clashed with local tribes in the valley, and researchers suspect the conflict began at a key landmark along the river.
Back to the future
Scientists are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to detect hidden archaeological sites buried below the sand of the sprawling Rub‘ al-Khali desert.
The desert spans 250,000 square miles (650,000 square kilometers) on the Arabian Peninsula, and its name translates to “the Empty Quarter” in English. To unravel the secrets of the desolate terrain, researchers are combining machine learning with a satellite imagery technique that uses radio waves to spot objects that may be concealed beneath surfaces.
The technology will be tested in October when excavations assess whether predicted structures are present at the Saruq Al Hadid complex in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Separately, an AI-assisted analysis uncovered a trove of ancient symbols in Peru’s Nazca Desert, nearly doubling the number of known geoglyphs, or stone and gravel arranged into giant shapes that depict animals, humans and geometric designs.
Роман Василенко – Парадигма Успеха!
[url=https://lyudidela.press/articles/upravlenie/sotsialnyj-sektor/kto-stoit-za-delom-lajf-iz-gud-germes-best-vej/]Потерпевшие по делу Бествей[/url]
Психологи оценивают лидерство, как умение мотивировать, сплачивать, принимать быстрые решения. Но истинным лидерам присуще еще одно качество, о котором умалчивают специалисты. Лидер – это человек, способный сделать других счастливее. Неслучайно, что во время затянувшейся экономической нестабильности мы ищем образец для подражания – человека, который пройдя все перипетии жизненного пути, добился значительных высот, делится своими знаниями и накопленным опытом.
Для многих россиян таким человеком стал Роман Викторович Василенко –идейный вдохновитель, основатель холдинга Life Is Good и председатель правления ЖК Best Way.
Получив высшее экономическое образование в Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
В настоящее время Роман Василенко – кандидат экономических наук, президент Международной бизнес-академии IBA, досконально владеет навыками сетевого маркетинга. Следует отметить, что данный принцип построения бизнеса не имеет ничего общего с финансовыми пирамидами. Сетевой маркетинг за 70-летнийопыт успешного развития, доказал свою жизнеспособность и экономическую целесообразность.
Роман Викторович имел великолепные возможности перебраться за границу и там применять свои знания и опыт. Но оставаясь патриотом своей страны, коренным петербуржцем он неоднократно делом доказывал свою любовь к Родине. Не сменил Россию на сладкую жизнь, когда компаньон по бизнесу после года упорной работы оставил Романа с семьей буквально ни с чем. Не погнался за длинным рублем, махнув на все рукой, когда в январе 2014 года его детище – молодая компания – переживало рейдерский захват.
Честь, совесть, независимая воля – это не просто слова для Романа Василенко. Как настоящий мужчина и офицер запаса он привык держать слово, отвечать за принятые обязательства. Люди доверили ему свои деньги, и он не мог их разочаровать. Воинская дисциплина и врожденные качества характера помогли Роману мобилизоваться, преодолеть сложные жизненные рубежи и уверенно двигаться к намеченной цели. Его твердые решения основаны на том, что лучше для всей корпорации; а не только для нескольких партнеров.
Но не одни только деловые качества являются основными признаками успеха Василенко. Людей больше привлекает его жизненное кредо. Те, кому посчастливилось работать с Романом Викторовичем, характеризуют его как филантропа и нравственного бизнесмена. Представители более близкого окружения рассказывают о его трепетном отношении к семье, друзья – о горячей любви к яхтам и дайвингу. И все в один голос заявляют о его безукоризненной честности. Сам Роман Викторович говорит, что этим он обязан своим родителям и в первую очередь матери, о которой он всегда говорит с особой теплотой и нежностью.
На протяжении многих лет Роман мечтал не просто о собственном бизнесе, а принципиально новом подходе к делу. Идея, казалось, витала в воздухе, для ее формирования не хватало одного толчка. Таким толчком стала главная тема саммита стран ШОС, участником которого был Василенко, «Как сохранить человеческий капитал и предотвратить утечку мозгов из России». Как известно, главная трудность молодых перспективных кадров – это отсутствие жилья и сложность его приобретения. По мнению Романа Викторовича необходимо дать возможность людям заработать на приобретение жилья, чтобы устранить главную причину миграции кадров. Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
Наша компания «Сайт по мебели для кухни» занимается формированием также реализацией качественной кухонной мебели. Я делаем отличное предложение широкий ассортимент продукта, яже отвечает наиболее современным штампам также направленностям дизайна https://www.sufebey8kuhnishki.ru.
Познакомьтесь не без; нашим проф коллективом, который образовывает уникальную этажерка, воплощая ваши мечтания в течение явь http://www.cehitae2kuhnishki.ru/.
Познакомьтесь с нашим проф коллективом, который творит чудесную мебель, воплощая ваши грезы в течение явь https://cehitae2kuhnishki.ru.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
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Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Свой инет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” делает отличное предложение широченный круг мебели чтобы кухонь. ЯЗЫК нас ваша милость найдете шиздец необходимое для формирования приятного также функционального экстерьера http://www.tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Наш интернет-магазин “Мебель-шмммммммебель” делает отличное предложение широченный ассортимент мебели для кухонь. У нас ваша милость выищете шиздец нужное чтобы сотворения приятного равным образом функционального интерьера http://tyfapao6kuhnishki.ru.
Роман Василенко – Парадигма Успеха!
[url=https://www.vesti.ru/article/1396598]Василенко Роман[/url]
Психологи оценивают лидерство, как умение мотивировать, сплачивать, принимать быстрые решения. Но истинным лидерам присуще еще одно качество, о котором умалчивают специалисты. Лидер – это человек, способный сделать других счастливее. Неслучайно, что во время затянувшейся экономической нестабильности мы ищем образец для подражания – человека, который пройдя все перипетии жизненного пути, добился значительных высот, делится своими знаниями и накопленным опытом.
Для многих россиян таким человеком стал Роман Викторович Василенко –идейный вдохновитель, основатель холдинга Life Is Good и председатель правления ЖК Best Way.
Получив высшее экономическое образование в Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
В настоящее время Роман Василенко – кандидат экономических наук, президент Международной бизнес-академии IBA, досконально владеет навыками сетевого маркетинга. Следует отметить, что данный принцип построения бизнеса не имеет ничего общего с финансовыми пирамидами. Сетевой маркетинг за 70-летнийопыт успешного развития, доказал свою жизнеспособность и экономическую целесообразность.
Роман Викторович имел великолепные возможности перебраться за границу и там применять свои знания и опыт. Но оставаясь патриотом своей страны, коренным петербуржцем он неоднократно делом доказывал свою любовь к Родине. Не сменил Россию на сладкую жизнь, когда компаньон по бизнесу после года упорной работы оставил Романа с семьей буквально ни с чем. Не погнался за длинным рублем, махнув на все рукой, когда в январе 2014 года его детище – молодая компания – переживало рейдерский захват.
Честь, совесть, независимая воля – это не просто слова для Романа Василенко. Как настоящий мужчина и офицер запаса он привык держать слово, отвечать за принятые обязательства. Люди доверили ему свои деньги, и он не мог их разочаровать. Воинская дисциплина и врожденные качества характера помогли Роману мобилизоваться, преодолеть сложные жизненные рубежи и уверенно двигаться к намеченной цели. Его твердые решения основаны на том, что лучше для всей корпорации; а не только для нескольких партнеров.
Но не одни только деловые качества являются основными признаками успеха Василенко. Людей больше привлекает его жизненное кредо. Те, кому посчастливилось работать с Романом Викторовичем, характеризуют его как филантропа и нравственного бизнесмена. Представители более близкого окружения рассказывают о его трепетном отношении к семье, друзья – о горячей любви к яхтам и дайвингу. И все в один голос заявляют о его безукоризненной честности. Сам Роман Викторович говорит, что этим он обязан своим родителям и в первую очередь матери, о которой он всегда говорит с особой теплотой и нежностью.
На протяжении многих лет Роман мечтал не просто о собственном бизнесе, а принципиально новом подходе к делу. Идея, казалось, витала в воздухе, для ее формирования не хватало одного толчка. Таким толчком стала главная тема саммита стран ШОС, участником которого был Василенко, «Как сохранить человеческий капитал и предотвратить утечку мозгов из России». Как известно, главная трудность молодых перспективных кадров – это отсутствие жилья и сложность его приобретения. По мнению Романа Викторовича необходимо дать возможность людям заработать на приобретение жилья, чтобы устранить главную причину миграции кадров. Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
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The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
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On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.
The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
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It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
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Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
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Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
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A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.
Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.
To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.
“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.
Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.
Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.
The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.
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The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
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Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
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